The 2024/25 Committee

The members of the committee for the 2024/25 year are shown in the table below. Click on one of the green envelopes to email an individual committee member.

For membership and general enquiries, please contact the membership secretary by email (click ) or by phone (01509 213655).

For problems with this website, please contact the site administrator by email (click ) or by phone (01509 889338).


Photo of the Chair

Pam Upton


Photo of the Vice-Chair

Garry Rigby


Photo of the Secretary

Debra Hardwick


Pam Towers

Membership Sec.

Photo of the Membership Secretary

Garry Rigby

New Members Liaison

Photo of the New Members Liaison Officer

Margaret Kelvey

Groups Coordinator

Photo of the Groups Coordinator

Bev Gillman

Newsletter Editor

Photo of the Newsletter Editor

Helen Reid


Web Manager

Photo of the Site Administrator

Phil Bass


Programme Secretary

Photo of the Programme Secretary

Geetha Bala

Committee Member B

David Jefferson

Committee Member C

Photo of Committee Member C

Sue Ronald

Committee Member D

Position Vacant

The Support Teams

Monthly Meeting Helpers

New Members Welcome
Photo of Sue Young
Sue Young

Photo of Andrew Rick
Andrew Rick
Photo of Patricia Drake
Patricia Drake

The I.T. Helpdesk Team

For help with general I.T. problems, we recommend the Forum on the IGO Digital Skills website. For help with this website and the Simple Membership system it runs on, please start by logging in and clicking the Help button on the toolbar at the top of the page. For any other problems, including how to get onto the Digital Skills site or logging in to the Charnwood U3A website, please contact one of the Helpdesk Team below.

Photo of Garry Rigby
Garry Rigby

"I have taught computing/information technology for 30 years at local colleges, including the RNIB Vocational College. I know the Microsoft Office Suite well, but I also have computer hardware and networking experience."

Phone: 01509 213655
Photo of Mary Opie
Mary Opie

“I have spent more than 35 years going out into the community to teach people how to use computers, something I am still doing on a voluntary basis (covid-permitting). The one thing that has remained the same during these years is the constant need to learn new ways of doing things. As a perpetual learner, I appreciate the help of those who provide me with information and support, and I hope that I can be of help to others in my turn.”

Phone: 01509 889338
Photo of Phil Bass
Phil Bass

“I spent nearly 40 years in the computer industry, writing software to monitor and control industrial processes. I have worked on Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS and a variety of less well-known computer systems.”

 Phone: 01509 889338

Copyright © Charnwood U3A, 2024Last Updated 2024-07-16