Hands demonstrating group activityOur groups are at the heart of what Charnwood u3a offers.  From the list below you will see the variety and range of what we provide, from participative discussion and developing language skills to talks covering a wide range of subjects and a variety of sports and activities.  If any of these interest you then click on the group name to open up the page where information about the group can be found.  Should you wish to contact the group leader to enquire about joining just click the email link on the upper right of a group's page.

We welcome suggestions to expand the scope of our groups. Please contact our Groups Coordinator [click ] if you have suggestions or thoughts on helping us do this.

Note - Group management guides and other information for group leaders can be found on the Information for Group Leaders page.

CodeGroup NameWeek In MonthDayTime
0110+ mile walkingFirstTuesdayAM
026+ mile WalkingThirdTuesdayAM
04Architecture AppreciationFourthThursdayPM
05Art AppreciationThirdFridayPM
09Bowls - IndoorWeeklyThursdayPM
10Bowls - OutdoorWeeklyThursdayPM
11Canasta 1WeeklyTuesdayPM
93Canasta 2First + ThirdMondayPM
12Canasta 1 QuornFirstTuesdayPM
13Canasta 2 QuornSecondWednesdayPM
14Canasta 3FirstThursdayPM
15CC WalksThirdThursdayAM
17Classical Civilisation - Note Not ActiveOccasionalN/AAM
18Classical Greek - Note Not ActiveFirstWednesdayAM
19Classical Music EnjoymentFourthWednesdayPM
20Craft & Self HelpWeeklyMondayAM
21Cribbage 1Second + FourthTuesdayPM
22Cribbage 2First + ThirdWednesdayPM
23Current AffairsFirstMondayPM
24Dance - LineWeeklyFridayAM
26Days of InterestVariousSaturdayAM
27Digital ImagingSecondMondayPM
28English Parish ChurchesSecondTuesdayPM
29Exploring the English LanguageFourthTuesdayAM
30Family History DiscussionThirdWednesdayPM
31French ConversationFirst + ThirdThursdayPM
32French ImproversFirst + ThirdWednesdayPM
35GermanFirst + ThirdWednesdayAM
36German - Reading, Translation and ConversationFirst + ThirdFridayAM
100I.T. for EveryoneThirdMondayAM
40Italian ConversationThirdWednesdayPM
41Jigsaw Puzzle & Book ExchangeFirstWednesdayAM
42Knit and Natter - Note Not ActiveOccasionalN/AAM
43Latin - Note - Not ActiveFirstMondayAM
94Laughter - Note Not ActiveOccasionalN/AAM
99Line Dance 2WeeklyThursdayPM
44Local HistoryFourthMondayPM
45Lunch ClubFirstFridayPM
46Mac Users ForumThirdFridayPM
49Needlecraft 1Second + FourthFridayAM
97Opera VisitsVariousVariousPM
52Parchment & PapercraftFirstWednesdayAM
53Parish WalksFirstThursdayAM
54Philosophy 1FourthTuesdayPM
55Philosophy 2FourthThursdayAM
56PhotographyFirst + ThirdFridayAM
57Pilates 1WeeklyFridayPM
58Pilates 2WeeklyTuesdayAM
59Pilates 3WeeklyTuesdayAM
96Pilates 4WeeklyTuesdayPM
60Poetry 1SecondMondayAM
61Poetry 2ThirdWednesdayAM
64Science and TechnologyFirstThursdayAM
65Scottish DancingFirst + ThirdWednesdayAM
66Scrabble 1Second + FourthFridayAM
67Scrabble 2First + ThirdWednesdayPM
68Scrabble 3Second + FourthTuesdayAM
69Scrabble 4ThirdThursdayPM
70Singing for PleasureFirst + ThirdTuesdayPM
71SpanishFirst + ThirdTuesdayAM
72Spanish ConversationFirstThursdayAM
74Sunday Lunch ClubSecondSundayPM
75Supper Club 1FourthWednesdayPM
77Sustaining the PlanetFirstWednesdayPM
78Table Tennis 1WeeklyMondayAM
79Table Tennis 2WeeklyTuesdayAM
80Table Tennis 3WeeklyWednesdayAM
81Table Tennis 4WeeklyThursdayAM
82Table Tennis 5WeeklyFridayAM
83Table Tennis 6WeeklyFridayPM
84Table Tennis 7WeeklyFridayAM
85Tai ChiWeeklyFridayAM
86Tennis (Mini-tennis)WeeklyWednesdayAM
87Theatre - Note Not ActiveVariousN/APM
88Thursday 6 MilersFourthThursdayAM
91Wine AppreciationLastFridayPM

Copyright © Charnwood u3a, 2025Updated 2025-01-22
Acknowledgements to Krystal for Domain Name and Mail Services