We are a group of enthusiastic members who meet on a monthly basis and have an interest in all aspects of history. We aim to develop these varied interests through talks by our own members and invitations to visiting speakers, and by arranging visits in the warmer months to places of significant historical interest, mostly in the fairly near locality. In 2024 we hope to have eight talks and three visits, plus our Christmas party in December, which features one or two mini-talks, a prize quiz, and of course seasonal refreshments!
Our normal venue is the Good Shepherd Church Hall in Park Road. We covene at 10 am on the fourth Wednesday of each month, and the first priority is the service of coffee/tea and biscuits! Our speaker will move into action at about 1015, and we normally expect a talk lasting an hour or so including some questions and discussion. After that there is often more informal conversation, and we tidy up the hall and are finished by about 1145.
The image above shows the National Museum of Justice in Nottingham, the site of one of our recent visits.