Local History Group
Time - 14:00
Week - Fourth
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Helen Reid and Eleanor Hood and Mike Hood, email: LocalHistory@charnwoodu3a.org.uk
Venue - Trinity Methodist Church
Vacancies - 3

Bell casting in Queens Park, Loughborough - provided by Taylors

The Local History group usually meets at Trinity Methodist Church Centre, Royland Road, Loughborough. 

Limited parking is available. Please ask if you are a Blue Badge holder.

We have a range of speakers including members of the group who share their particular interests.

We allow time for discussion and usually have refreshments mid-session.

In the summer months, we organise trips to various places of local history.

Charnwood u3a Local History Group Programme 2024 

Meetings at 2 pm on the 4th Monday of the month at Trinity Methodist Church, Royland Road, Loughborough, unless otherwise indicated below. 

26 February Tony Jarram: Loughborough Fortnight – Exodus to the Seaside 

25 March Sue Griffiths: The History of My House

22 April Anthony Gimpel: Historic Villages in Charnwood

27 May NO MEETING (Bank Holiday) 

24 June Visit to Swannington (Hough) Windmill

For more details, see https://swannington-heritage.co.uk/visits-events/visit/

22 July Visit to Burton Walks – a guided tour by John Weitzel, Loughborough Grammar School archivist 

26 August NO MEETING (Bank Holiday)

23 September Christine Harris: The Moss Family of Loughborough  

28 October Lynne Dyer: The Pubs of Loughborough

25 November 1. Anne Speight: Votes for Women - Loughborough Suffragettes 2.(after tea) Brenda Feeney: Rosebery School War Memorial 

23 December NO MEETING

27 January ‘25 AGM, Review of 2024 and Member Participation Session 



Copyright © Charnwood u3a, 2024Last Updated 2024-09-14