Science and Technology Group
Time - 10:00
Week - First
Day - Thursday
Group Leader(s) - Janet Butlin and Roy Faulkner, email:
Venue - Brush Bowls and Sports Club
Vacancies - 14

Paul Fileman's talk on Basic Electronics will now be at 1:30 pm on 7th November at Emmanuel Church.


View of ablack hole

Most meetings take the form of general interest talks covering all aspects of science and technology. Some of the members are retired scientists of various sorts, we take special care to recognise the non-specialist members so that everybody gets something out of the talks.

As well as in-house speakers, the group also visits places of industrial, scientific and environmental interest and museums

Here is the programme for the rest of 2024 and first five months of 2025:

Copyright © Charnwood u3a, 2025Updated 2025-01-22
Acknowledgements to Krystal for Domain Name and Mail Services