I.T. for Everyone Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Third
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Mary Opie and Anthony Gimpel and Phil Bass, email: helpdesk@charnwoodu3a.org.uk
Venue - John Storer House
Vacancies - 20
Fix I.T. Clinic18 Feb 202510:45
Fix I.T. Clinic25 Feb 202510:45
Fix I.T. Clinic04 Mar 202510:45

Our Mission

These days, knowing how to use Information Technology is an essential life skill. Too often, though, it seems unnecessarily complex and can be immensely frustrating. But it doesn't have to be like that. This group aims to show that, behind the wicked stepmother mask, your I.T. equipment is really a loyal Man Friday.

We aim to help you to: Fix I.T., Master I.T., and Enjoy I.T.

If something on your computer or mobile device isn't working, we will try to fix it for you. If you want to know more about what your devices can do, we will show you the next steps on the road to mastery of those semi-intelligent machines. And we hope our help and advice will enable you to get much more enjoyment from the equipment you have.

Our Meetings

We have three types of meeting: fix-it clinics, master-it workshops and enjoy-it talks.

Fix-It Clinics are run as open events. One or two of the more knowledgable members of the group will be available to hear about any little problems you may be having and suggest simple fixes. If you bring a recalcitrant mobile device along, we will fix it on the spot if we can; if not, we will offer advice or make a follow-up appointment. Any member of Charnwood u3a can attend these events; you don't have to be a member of the I.T. for Everyone group.

Master-It Workshops, too, are run as open events that any member of Charnwood u3a can attend. If you have little interest in the technology itself, but need to use a computer in your everyday life and want to feel more comfortable in front of the screen, these hands-on sessions will provide an opportunity to get a better understanding of the apps you use and put that new knowledge into practice. You bring a laptop (or borrow one of ours) and we provide mentors to guide you through the learning process.

Enjoy-It Talks are held as ordinary group meetings. They are intended for those with an interest in I.T. and take the form of a presentation, followed by a discussion of the points it has raised. Topics will be chosen by the members of the group and may focus on anything from the technical details of a particular app to the (un)desirable effects of our increasing use of, and reliance on, I.T. systems.

Past Presentations

Master I.T. Workshops
Photos (how to ...)
 Slides PDF

Enjoy I.T. Talks
Can Computers Think?
Slides PDF
Free Software ...
2025-01-20 Slides PDF

Useful Links

Copyright © Charnwood u3a, 2025Updated 2025-01-22
Acknowledgements to Krystal for Domain Name and Mail Services