
Announcements and urgent news items are published on our Noticeboard (see below).

We also have a monthly newsletter called News & Views. The latest issue is here.

Archives of the local network and national newsletters can be found by following these links:


All Saints Church Library ExhibitionA selection of extracts from some 420 books amassed by Rev. James Bickham, D.D., rector of All Saints Church, Loughborough, 1761-1785.
Special Resolution for AGM October 2024The Third Age Trust has tabled a Special Resolution for the 2024 AGM. It proposes to establish a Council to represent the views of local U3As to the board of trustees.
Festival of Leicestershire and Rutland AchaeologyArchaeology is all about people and how we explore and interpret the past. This July, we celebrate the rich and diverse heritage of Leicestershire and Rutland.
Predictors of Resilience and FrailtyLoughborough University is conducting research into whether a simple breath test could predict how fast you age.
Brain Research ProjectInvestigating the neural correlates of ageing during natural sentence reading. Volunteers wanted.
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Copyright © Charnwood U3A, 2024Last Updated 2024-07-16